
Curtain up - for "Jaguars and electric eels" in Berlin

Berlin is always worth a trip - and for the great art of it all. Especially when you can work on an art project. Even if we didn't have anything to do with art itself, of course, we also brought in a little bit of creativity. After all, we know our way around curtains. And that was the prerequisite at this point.

Vorab: Es war schon beeindruckend zu sehen, in welchen Dimensionen die Außenwerbung am Ausstellungsgebäude gewirkt hat als am 4. Februar die Ausstellung von Julia Stochek eröffnet wurde. Da lag die Arbeit aber schon hinter uns. Und wir konnten uns relaxt der Ausstellung widmen.

First of all: It was already impressive to see the dimensions in which the outdoor advertising on the exhibition building worked when Julia Stochek opened the exhibition on February 4. But the work was already behind us. And we were able to devote ourselves to the exhibition in a relaxed manner.

In the weeks before we installed a curtain with UV-resistant digital printing on the street side at a height of 12 meters. Thanks to a special substructure, the curtain is not only protected against wind and weather, it can also be temporarily taken on and off.

We also worked in the interior and processed a total of 1,900 m of fabric. This resulted in curtains that we made up and decorated ourselves. We installed these curtains in the exhibition rooms at heights of up to 9 metres.

We were particularly pleased to be able to work for Julia Stochek for the second time. After accompanying the first exhibition "Welt am Draht" in May 2016, we were also awarded the contract for this second exhibition. We would like to express our gratitude for this and signal our absolute readiness for a third project :-)

At work
